Originally Published April 15, 2010
Happy Tax Day. Try and wrap your brain around this one: The average US Taxpayer will get a $3000 refund this year. That’s up 10% compared to last year. Three grand. Which is a hell of a 0% interest loan Uncle Sam gets from the average Tax Paying American.
Is it better to pay a little at the end of the year, and therefor have that extra $3000 making interest for you instead of the US Treasury? Of course it is. But most love seeing a check come back from the Feds in the early spring. It allows a lot of us to splurge since it feels like a windfall.
$3000 might be an over-estimate for a lot of us reading an Affordable Men’s Style Website. So for argument’s sake, let’s drop it down to $1,000… and here’s a step by step splurge filled guide on how to spend that check. (In case you don’t want to stash it in the bank or invest it)
Burn the image of this guy into your brain. You want to one day buy a suit that looks just like this, and you want to wear it just the way he’s wearing it. $600 for a suit you can conquer the world in. (Also available in Navy)
Updated wingtips are a perfect blend of a style that’s been around forever, packaged up in a sleeker more modern form. Like washing your dream car (if you have one) this is a pair of shoes you’ll actually enjoy keeping shined.
As previously mentioned, a tax return feels like a windfall. Buying underwear or socks with that kind of money is just plain boring. That’s why this money clip is here. Buy something out of the ordinary, something too expensive. Is $125.00 for a money clip a bit over the top? Of course it is. But it’s slim, the logo is subtle, and it’s the last money clip you’ll ever buy.
Now that you’ve got something shiny for yourself, don’t forget her. If you go on a tax return fueled shopping spree, and you forget to include your significant other in your purchases… she’ll probably notice. You might not lose points, but those points that you haven’t gained through a relatively small purchase are just too much to pass up. If you’re not sure these earrings are her type, read our guide to buying her jewelry.
Most of us wear jeans a lot. Probably too much. And that’s tough to do once it gets blistering hot outside. The solution is this pair of lightweight chinos. They’re light, but also have a bit of look and feel of denim. Not too dressy, not beaten up casual either. Available in six different colors.
A ridiculously low price for a shave setup like this. Even if you don’t like the Shave Creme, you’ll still have the sweet Barbiere Brush. Comes with a travel bag. Brush also available with a white handle.
Grown ups don’t wear a lot of logos. Or funny sayings on their t-shirts. The fit is great, it’s plain, it’s cheap.
Ever catch yourself in a mirror late in the day, and it looks like you fell asleep face first on a bucket of fried chicken? These blotting sheets are handy, slip easily inside your front jacket pocket, and unlike the ol’ wet paper towel trick, they somehow manage to keep shine away for a few hours after you use one.
Find a wishing well. Toss remaining change in. Wish for, among other things, a bigger return next year.
(What’d you spend your return on? Did you put it all in the bank? Feedback goes in the comments section below)
Sunday steal alert. Starts today and ends today at BR's more affordable step-down brand.
What are you going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions…
Plus fancy fabric flannels for all the bourgeoisie Al Borlands.
Significant savings. While they last. Which usually isn't very long.
Timepieces of all sorts, "sweet cheeks" in shorts, a couple blazers and a chair.
Thurs. Update: sizes are coming and going, seesawing between sold out and limited stock.