Kenneth Cole Style Guide: What to Wear to a Summer Wedding

Kenneth Cole Video Style Guide – What to Wear to a Summer Wedding

“Ed and Lynne’s wedding is this weekend!  Forecast is looking warm with boozy patches.  I’m already sweating thinking about wearing that thick wool suit in August…” – From

It’s wedding season.  If you’re between the ages of 25 – 40 you’re probably scheduled to attend somewhere between, oh,  25 – 40 weddings in the next few months.  Maybe not that many, but for a lot of us there are summers where you’re attending nuptials once a month.

Kenneth Cole’s latest style guide covers what to wear if you’re a non groomsmen at one of these warm ceremonies, and be warned:  Getting dressed for a summer wedding can be extremely tricky.  Two years ago I saw a groomsmen pass out during a ceremony and it was only 80 degrees that day.  He was standing in the sun, wearing a rented tux, and he just flat out collapsed.  He ended up with a concussion which garnered a quick trip to the hospital.  You do NOT want to be that guy, so dressing appropriately while staying cool is a must.

What the guys at Kenneth Cole got right, and what they got wrong, after the video.

Click to launch the Video
Click to launch the Video

Well that looks like it was thrown together.  Both the video and the outfit.  The entire production seemed rushed.  This Doug guy now looks like half his luggage was lost by the airline, and he’s been forced to combine what he wore on the plane with what was left in his carry on.  At least he’s not wearing sneakers.  Let’s get started…

What they got RIGHT

The Shoes – Kenneth Cole Mister Man Oxfords – $255.00

Amazing shoes. And for the price they better be.
Amazing shoes. And for the price they better be.

See… I knew Brian from Kenneth Cole Productions had it in him.  Gone are the sneakers that were suggested for first dates, charity functions, and the work place.  Here’s a pair of shoes that’ll get a bridesmaid’s attention.  And for almost $300, the better do something other than cover your feet.  Smooth uppers, slightly pointed toe, perfect.  Annnnnnd really expensive.

The Watch – Black Leather Strap Chronograph – $160.00

A good formal but still sport inspired watch.
A good formal, but still sport inspired watch.

Nice pick for the time piece.  No touch-screen digital this time, but instead a true dress chronograph.  Thin in the case with a croc-embossed wristband.  Pretty affordable too at just $160.00

What they got WRONG

The Suit – NO: BLACK Cotton Tech Suit – $230.00 | YES: Stone Cotton Suit – $350.00

The difference between stifling and pleasantly warm.

Just because it’s cotton doesn’t mean you’ll stay cool.  A black suit is still black, and it’ll absorb heat like crazy.  I’m not blaming Brian from Kenneth Cole productions on this one.  At :58 in the video he has the stone colored suit literally in his hands.  He even calls it “the perfect choice.”  And it is.  Yet somehow the Doug guy ends up in a black suit.  Don’t wear black to a summer wedding.  You’ll look like you’re headed to a funeral, and if it’s hot enough you just might end up at one.  You’re own.  You can also save yourself some money and pick up any of the best summer suits under $200.  $350 isn’t bad for a well tailored suit off the rack (which the Kenneth Cole is) but just know there are cheaper options.

The Shirt – NO: Chambray Shimmer Shirt $59.50 – YES  K. Cole Blue Stripe Shirt – $44.99

Trendy vs. Classic. It's a wedding. Go classic.

A nice rule of thumb is to never wear anything that uses the word “shimmer” in its description.  Just go with a medium blue striped oxford.  It’s classic and you won’t look like the lovechild of Chuck Norris and Robocop.

The Socks – NO: Sockless & Tieless | YES: B.R. Socks – $8.50 & Gap Wool Tie – $24.99

For a wedding wear socks, and a simple tie.

Sockless works sometimes.  But this is really not one of those times.  Dress laceups, a black suit, and bare ankles doesn’t look cool and breezy, it looks unfinished and messy.  Not to mention it recalls Michael Jackson’s affinity for bright white socks with black shoes and pants.  Sockless works best with lighter colored suits and dress loafers.  And even if you are going with that combination for a wedding, it’s still a wedding.  Wear socks.  And a tie.  A simple wool tie looks strangely perfect in the dead of summer.

Agreements? Disagreements?  Too boring?  Do you like wearing stuff that “shimmers?”  You know the drill, leave it all in the comments section below…


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