I don’t know how Ford did it. GM and Chrysler file for bankruptcy, and Ford doesn’t even take any real Government help to stay afloat. While General Motors seems to have their hopes sitting squarely on the shoulders of the Volt, Ford moves ahead with the small, eco friendly rides Europeans have been buying from them for awhile.
Debuting in the states in early 2010, this thing is small, cheap, and feels neither small or cheap.
The interior looks decent, and the only drawback on the inside seems to be the center control panel on the dash. No self respecting autobot could take this thing for a spin with such an obvious hat tip to the decepticons front and center.
$12,000 – $16,000 for a brand new ride? And one that doesn’t look like crap? Even the guys at Jalopnik were impressed when they took it for a first drive.
While it might not have the retro-style character of a mini, it doesn’t carry the min’s not so mini price either. Congrats to Ford for somehow figuring it out.
Bonus: There might be an RS Super-quick version in our American Future.
(pics courtsey of the guys at the totally-awesome-gawkermedia-site Jalopnik)
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