It's not rocket science, but attention to details like materials and fit will pay off.
The 2nd of three (casual, smart casual, and dressed up) style scenarios for this dog-days stretch of heat.
The first of three (casual, smart casual, and dressed up) style scenarios for this dog-days stretch of heat.
Hitting some mid-points for price. Also hitting some mid-points for colors.
When "go jump in a lake" is part of the day's plans.
Light and airy for when it's hot and sticky.
Some of us wear blue a lot. Here's one way to take a break from all that blue.
Weekend Steal(ish) alert. Five style scenarios mined from the just launched extra 20% off BR Summer Sale.
1 carry-on, 8 outfits. Getting there, being there, and getting home.
Because even the shorts/sneakers/tee thing can be done with some simple, classic intention.
Finishing out the trifecta strong. Handsome and "hawt"... for the hot hot heat.
Turning up the (style) heat, in the heat.
The first (and most casual) of three style scenarios as it starts to heat up.
It's still happening out there. Therefor it's still happening in here.
Dressed up, some color, and lighter in weight. Warm it up? We're about to.
$15 henley, $15 shorts. Because nothing says friendship quite like eating someone else's food in close proximity to (but not…
Outdoor theater, concerts, picnics, and yes even "long walks on the beach." It's time for dates to head back outside.
Blues, classic (cheap) chukkas, and some simple retro-inspired accessories.
AKA the "I'm not buying a seersucker suit to wear one day a year" Derby Day style scenario.