An Oxford Shirt that would be perfect for anything, if it weren’t so good for some things.
Amazon Buys Zappos
Well look who just bought who.
The Leader of the Free World and his choice of jeans.
2010 Chevy Camaro
The 2010 Camaro is out. Is the styling worth the hype?
Learn to Cook. Buy this Book.
Everyday Food | Great Food Fast – 24.95 Women, in what little experience I have, tend to like men who aren’t totally incompetent in the kitchen. In fact, they’ll give a guy points just for trying. Even if he fails miserably, the dinner gets scraped into the trash, and pizza is ordered, the fact that he’s trying to do something a bit out of his comfort zone impresses the pants off them. If you’re lucky. Everyday Food is a show on PBS (check those local listings) that’s at the very least DVR worthy. It’s by Martha Stewart, BUT… that foxy 60+ ex-con is nowhere to be seen on the show. So there’s less of that sometimes unpleasant Martha-ness that goes with much of her cooking shows. All of the recipes are supposed to be simple, relatively easy to make, with as few ingredients as possible. It’s not bare-bones cooking by […]
The All Everything Blazer
Gap Unlined Herringbone Blazer – $39.99 There just isn’t anything wrong with an unlined, unstructured, cotton blazer. And to find one on the sale rack at the Gap for under $40.00 is a deal to take advantage of. The Herringbone pattern is extremely faint so, it looks more like just a solid Navy cotton Blazer. Pair it with darker jeans and a nice pair of boots if you’re going out at night. Or, a trim cut pair of chinos, any cotton shirt (keep it simple, more simple than the pic on, and whatever you want on your feet for work or dinner. It’s easy to throw on, it won’t make you too warm, and it gives a serious upgrade to the pants and shirt look. One drawback = The sleeve button holes are actually cut. Which was an attempt to upgrade the look but in the end will make […]
Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator
Clear plastic Wine thing-a-ma-jig takes the waiting out of aerating.
The Sub $200 suit. A risk worth taking
Six Rules to avoid making a $200 Mistake. From a guy who’s made a few of them.