
Is the suit dead?

Did the pandemic end the era of suits, ties, sportcoats, dress shirts, and dress shoes?

4 years ago

Style Scenario: Late Summer Evening Neighborhood Stroll

Get off the couch and get away from the screen(s). The evening stroll is back.

4 years ago

Style Scenario: Chinos Chukkas Polo – Green (or Olive) and Black

Black boots in summer? Sure thing... if they're suede chukkas.

4 years ago

10 Tips for Staying Stylish If/When You Become a Dad

Dad-ing with style. Down to earth but still handsome.

4 years ago

Banana Republic 52% off Now and Later Sale

Some summer stuff for now, some fall stuff for later. All of it more than half off.

4 years ago

In Review: The Allen Edmonds Mahogany Leather Bond Street Cap Toe

Why this basic Allen Edmonds dress shoe just doesn't look like other Allen Edmonds dress shoes.

4 years ago