Digging around in the Allen Edmonds Extra 30% off sale has yielded some results.
Allen Edmonds knocks an additional 30% off sale items. Bond Streets for $140. Cornwallis for $175.
Hit the road. Jack. (even if your name doesn't happen to be Jack)
Sun's out suits out. Because at this point, why not?
Picks for now, picks for when we head into fall.
Basically a short sleeve version of Bond's look from the Quantum boat chase scene.
Goodyear welted wingtips, and they might NOT be final sale? Maybe?
Meanwhile, new items have been added to that extra 60% off Bonobos final sale deal.
Shoes, suits, dress shirts, and plenty of sportcoats in the $110 - $250 range.
Plus a few mini steal alerts thanks to $32 sneakers and $12 polos.