WHAT THE HAMBURGERS? This. Right. Here. is exactly the kind of thing most of America thinks of when they hear talk about “East Coast elites.” Not even kidding. Editor’s Note: You have got to be kidding.
VINYL: The ultimate post-script. I can’t decide between using this song or this one.
LIFE IMITATES ART: The tell tale heart.
CONSEQUENCES: Fake news and sourcing accreditation…
JOCK JAMS: The UK version. Also, not just about stadium rock. Because that’s just one small part of the story. My editor has some truly colorful descriptions of this piece of music. Adjectives and such. Editor’s Note II: Well, when you used to play the piano in a mega mall food court, you learn to hate such standards. More like Pachel-HELL.
HE’S BACK! The Weekend Dossier’s uber-awesome contributor Eric H. has shared a whole lot of interesting and relevant bits and pieces for this week.
LOOK! UP IN THE SKY! It’s a bird. On a plane. No that’s not right. It’s a plane…full of birds. OK actually, they are birds of prey but you know. And because of their importance to the culture, they get their own passports. Not even lying.
RESIST? You might want to start here. Also, it’s no surprise that several of these are back on the best seller charts.
APARTMENT NO. 8: That is an interesting way to store a classic Ferrari.
THE PARTY’S OVER: Having never been here, I can’t speak for what olfactory ghosts must haunt the place. But I’m guessing, in no particular order, disinfectant and skank. But wait! There’s more.
FIDGET THIS: I mean really, what’s a kickstarting kind of guy going to do when this happens?
YOU KNOW ALL THOSE VIDEOS…of dudes doing wicked extreme feats of two-wheeled shenanigans? Yeah, this is not one of those videos.
FOR THOSE ABOUT TO HIT “I AGREE”: This guy would like a few minutes of your time. Well done sir. Well done.
FOOD PORN: My mom made these for me as a kid and this is still a go-to for breakfast when I’m feeling like I can indulge. But here’s the rub: this guy right here who believes cheese goes with everything never once thought of this. Game. Changer.
THE MORE YOU KNOW (RAINBOW COMET SPLOOSH): Micky Mouse. Goofy. Pinocchio. Olive Oyl. Bullwinkle. Bugs Bunny. Jiminy Cricket. Marvin The Martian. They all wore gloves. But why? SIDENOTE: Because, rabbit hole, I discovered that Hanna Barbera studios did not glove their characters.
CONDIMENT CONFLAGRATION: And here I thought the debate was over catsup or ketchup. I had no idea. I am also choosing not to share with you where I side on this issue.
MORE OF THIS: There are some pretty terrific people in the world and it’s good to be reminded of that on occasion.
YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY: I’ll pass. But you go ahead. No, really. Meanwhile, uh, this is kind of funny? Mostly as a way to separate people from their money.
SPEAKING OF CRABS: I’ve seen pictures but I had no idea how fast they could move. Also, “pet.”
LIFE IMITATES ART AGAIN: I don’t know about you but I’m punching my card.
NO, IT’S NOT POLITE: But I am going to point and laugh just the same. Because, what the hell lady? Then there’s King Blame-The-Messenger over here.
ARE YOU A HOWARD HUGHES LEVEL BUG FREAK? You do not want to know about this. At all. Also, this one goes in the department of things I really don’t need to worry about.
UNINTENDED CONSQUENCES? This will be genuinely interesting to watch as it plays out.
EVEN MORE OF MORE OF THIS: Seriously dude, you are on the right path.
HEY ALANIS: Now this is ironic. Yeah, this is a good one. This however, not so good.
INCOMING: Thank you Eric H.
Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related. He doesn’t really hate people. Mostly.
Oh hey! Hi. You’re still here. Wow. Thank you.
Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
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