Categories: Etc.

American Royalty, “Steal the Style” with Snark, & an Unlikely Predator Duo


American Royalty from | The Weekend Dossier on DapperedAmerican Royalty from | The Weekend Dossier on Dappered(thank you)

DID SOMEBODY SAY ROYALTY? This little dude is already a fashion icon. But what do you expect with those cheeks?

IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER: Ok, it’s not exactly midwinter, but this is bleak news indeed for some of America’s best known retailers. Exhibit one. Exhibit two.

FUCK YEAH! This is the shit! But really, this isn’t even the first time this has been studied. If you’d prefer a less academic take on the matter, you could head over here but I tend to avoid linking to that site.

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: Genie, Bottle. Naturally, I thought of this. Which, you have to admit, is pretty good.


Hank Hill Steal His LookHank Hill Steal His Look(thank you)

LITTLE PINK HOUSES: In which we take a look at some enlightening (or not) infographics. First up, the cultural divide in our country never looked so stark. Up next, the somewhat and sometimes altogether completely embarrassing Google searches unique to each state. Uh, Vermont. Really? Want to know what your state ordered the most of in terms of holiday gifts? And finally, and sadly, we can be so gross.

2016: Basically, yeah.

RACING TO THE FUTURE? I understand that Norway is a country of happy people who love the darkest of heavy metal and practically never see the sun. But I wonder how they can pull off something like this without creating some sort of inconvenience? Or are they just that far ahead of the rest of us?

SPEAKING OF THE FUTURE: I’m just going to leave this here.


(thank you)

MEANWHILE, IN RUSSIA: Beavis and Butthead would lose their lunches over this. And make sure to watch the video because it is a thing of wonder. Fire fire fire!

SPEAKING OF MOTHER NATURE: She does not appear to be very happy at the moment. I mean, it’s not as though she has used this thing to wipe out societies before. Oh wait. Nevermind.

THEN THERE’S THIS: When geology is art.

NOT DONE YET: These guys have more skilz than I will ever hope to have.

WHAT, NO ROAD RUNNER? Awww. This is sweet. Also, bloody and messy and stuff.

ONCE UPON A TIME: Summer of ’76.

(thank you)

I SO DID NOT SEE THIS COMING: Say hello to the next great American artisanal product.

CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: The guy has a really interesting past, a terrific sense of humor and…that one song.

DIG IF YOU WILL THE PICTURE…Technology can be tricky and all, and sometimes it can get the best of us. And sometimes it’s just magic. 

CONTEXT FREE PHOTO OF THE WEEK: What the actual what.

THE SWEET SWEET TASTE OF REVENGE: Ten years in the making, and so damn cool. Gotta love a story like that.


Me in my front yard from | The Weekend Dossier on Dappered(thank you)

A TALE OF TWO CRITTERS: I’m going to let my editor handle this one. When your pessimistic self is all worried about something inconsequential and then your more positive pal is all like NAH MAN WE GOOD THIS IS AWEEESOMMMMMMMMMMMMME.

FAKE NEWS: What could possibly go wrong? Or is it more wrong?

THIS IS INTERESTING AND EVERYTHING…but mostly I’m sharing this because I am all about a good, soothing balm. And that f-word thingy I will never attempt to spell.

LOST IN TRANSLATION? This was going to be a “mostly” link, but because I’m not afraid of owning up to having a bit, just a bit mind you, of a 12 year old’s sense of humor. Also, I’d still hoover that whole bag.

AND NOW, MORE ABOUT WANGS: With apologies to my Ops Manager, I present historical dongs of the flying variety.


Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related. He doesn’t really hate people. Mostly

Tim Johnstone

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