…what are those 80’s (as in 18oo) ladies doing with a giant Elvis Presley mask? And then I read the details: Unpacking the Statue of Liberty, c.1886. Now I’m just really confused.
GIMME A BREAK: This is going to make some people lose their shit.
WHAT GOES AROUND…comes back around. I’m pretty sure we’ve all been here before. Just me? Really?
STARRY STARRY AWESOMENESS: This is one of the niftiest things I’ve seen in a while. Full marks.
GET IN MA BELLY! For some reason this just creeps the hell out of me.
PRE AUTOTUNE: This never fails to amaze. That voice. Then there’s this. I get chills.
THIS HITS CLOSE TO HOME: My dad always told me that my first car would be something that we would take apart and put back together so I would understand and appreciate how it operated. By the time I got my first car, engines and technology had changed so much that my dad could no longer keep up. Never got that opportunity. All of that on account of me seeing this.
WHAT ARE WORDS FOR?: This is a depressing list.
WHO DIDN’T SEE…this coming? Anyone?
OH EM GEE: These are going to end up making a lot of grown men happy as kids this holiday season. For the record, I totally would.
WHERE HAVE ALL THE TURTLES GONE? No really, where have the corpse eating turtles of India gone?
NAME THAT TUNE: As someone who programs a music intensive radio station, I’ve been watching Shazam charts for clues to what my listeners like. It seems that I’m not the only one.
ODDS ARE…you don’t need to know about how some odds have changed.
Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related. He doesn’t really hate people. Mostly.
Raincoats for spring. Basic but good belts with free shipping. And Bonobos bumps it up…
"I like turtles." (on swim trunks.)
In person with the under $70, retro-upper meets future-sole lifestyle sneaker.
A step up from the pajama pants you wore to those 9am western civ lectures...…
Breezy and lightweight. Sold as separates, and the blazers do great with chinos or jeans.…
For when the weather gets good, and stops being so (wait for it) BAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa-d.