Seventy Five dollars. That’s a lot of money. It’ll get you a couple pairs of Levi’s, a nice dinner out, or a couple months at your local gym. Seventy Five dollars. It is a lot of money, especially if you spend it right. Ten picks follow, all for $75 or under, and some of them are much, much less.
These are a new arrival, and don’t be scared off by the description reading: “Sizing: Men with a Relaxed Fit“. They don’t fit like a relaxed pair of pants. At all. More of a straight leaning slim fit. If you’ve got chicken legs, you might be swimming in them, but the lower legs were right up on the calves without squeezing during the in-person fitting room try-on. Great looking colors like a dark slate grey, a warmer antler type of brown, and even a red (warning: it looks lighter in person), should make for solid basics in the fall.
The guys at Huckberry have created what might quite possibly be the best looking piece of brand logo wear ever. The H stands for, wait for it… “Huckberry”, and they had a small batch of these produced by Ebbets Field Flannels in Seattle. Lightweight, heather grey wool with a leather adjustable strap in back and a small bit of compass embroidery at the rear. Might even get those who are zero-tolerance on brand logos to make an exception. Just this once.
*Use the 30% off code GAPLIST to get this price. Drops to 25% off 8/22 – 8/23. You like the look of leather jackets, but either: A. don’t have the cash, or B. don’t feel quite right wearing one and not having a motorcycle. Denim might be a decent substitute thanks to the way most of them are cut as well as that extra weight, but doing the blue denim jacket with blue jeans on the bottom is not the easiest. So, enter an earth tone denim jacket like this one. If it fits like their other 1969 branded stuff, it’ll be plenty slim. Ships free and returns free in store.
Jackthreads can carry some really, really odd stuff. And being that they’re one of these membership flash sale sites, returns can be a pain. But once in awhile something like these come along, that are really a good deal. A big upgrade from Chuck Taylors, for hardly any more cash. The SeaVees “sale” ended on Friday, but they’re now available in their Casual Shoes section. Unsold stuff has a high tendency to end up in the categories, or just in other sale events down the road.
You probably already have a fitness routine, and this is a great way to work something new in. A nice rule for life is to never start an altercation (verbal or otherwise) but if someone else does, make sure you’re prepared to neutralize and finish it. Krav Maga is the “official defensive tactic system of the Israeli military” and it’s a blast to learn. Krav Maga is a practical, real world martial art that modifies your instincts into effective strikes and not wasted panicked energy. It’s a hell of a workout and good to know. Here’s to hoping you never have to use it.
Speaking of Krav Maga. Well, maybe Jeremy Renner and Matt Damon didn’t use Krav Maga in the movies, but it’s often mistaken for Krav Maga. The movie has gotten really good reviews, and the director made efforts to make it feel similar to the previous versions. Genius that instead of a sequal, or a prequal, this one takes place at the same time that The Bourne Ultimatum
This makes me want to get an iPad more than an iPad makes me want to get an iPad. The guys at Blue Claw Co. have apparently been busy. Or they were bored, then got super friggin’ busy, because they just launched thirty new items. All made in the USA of course. The O’Hare iPad sleeve comes in five different colors, is made of waxed canvas with leather accents, and the can’t-miss stitching looks great. A splurge, but, if you already went with an iPad instead of a lowly Kindle Fire, well it makes sense to put it in a nice wrapper.
Sort of Amazing that Amazon not only has this, but they’re fulfilling the purchase so if you’ve got prime you could get it shipped fast for free. A used copy and that’s understandable, being that it was printed in the 30s and 40s. Includes The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway. It’s an incredible collection of short stories and essays. Perfect for the types who like to read something interesting, but easy to finish before turning in for the night. George A. McNamara’s “Essay on Jiggling” is applause worthy. Got a copy from our tech and travel guy Paul, who found it on one of his many trips into the various used book stores that scatter the American landscape.
Absolutely deserves another mention. $60 for a shirt from ratio? They’re worth $60 and then some. Made in the USA, lots of patterns and fabrics to choose from under $98, full review on the blue windowpane here.
The best looking piece from the Lands’ End Canvas fall release. Much more than a standard rugby you’d get at say, Target (which are nice for a basic) but this one has all the trimmings. Contrast corduroy collar and cuffs, reinforced underarms, quilt stitched shoulder yoke. Cuffs have single buttons too. The lighter “Celestial blue” will work real well with your dark denim, while the tan corduroy collar/cuffs will break up all that blue. Code AUGUST and pin 8844 is good for 25% off everything plus free shipping.
For other best bets under $75 from previous months, click here.
Unconstructed blazers for warm weather. Well designed swim trunks. Back to office trousers.
Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
Warm weather, cool weather, upcoming weddings, and watching the upcoming basketball tournaments. Plus an all…
Almost never on sale, and now getting that additional 15% off in your cart. Both…
Dress shirts. Dress shoes. Colorful chronographs. Warm weather sportcoats.
Spring shirts, Italian knit blazers, etc.