Two questions. First, y’know that feeling you get when something fits perfect, looks terrific, cost about 15% more than the upper end of your price range, but you still end up pulling the trigger and buying it… only to see it on the sale rack, in your size, for half off two weeks later?
That’s a real sh*tty feeling.
And the second question: Do you think Steve Jobs is laughing right now?
The new Apple iPhone 4g is about to come out, so on Tuesday Apple cut the price of their iPhone 3Gs in half. What was $200 at its launch last summer, is now only $97.00. There’s something to be said about being able to charge your loyal customers an extra $100 over 12 months just for the hell of it.
And what if you were the guy who dropped $200 on a soon to be “out-dated” iPhone… say… in March? The only good news for you is that you aren’t alone. From “Apple sold 8.3 million iPhones last quarter, more than twice the amount sold during the same period a year ago.” Damn.
Well, at least Mac aficionados can still hang their hats on the quality of their Mac products and the exclusive undeniable coolness that they offer. It’s not like they’re selling these $97 iPhones at Walmart or anything.
Oh wait. They are. Exclusively.
Thanks but no thanks. I’ll just stick with my $35/month pre-paid Virgin Wireless phone.
Last Question: Smart phones… cool? Or a total distraction?
Unconstructed blazers for warm weather. Well designed swim trunks. Back to office trousers.
Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
Warm weather, cool weather, upcoming weddings, and watching the upcoming basketball tournaments. Plus an all…
Almost never on sale, and now getting that additional 15% off in your cart. Both…
Dress shirts. Dress shoes. Colorful chronographs. Warm weather sportcoats.
Spring shirts, Italian knit blazers, etc.